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Consent application for Burnham Quarry

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Girls in Infrastructure 2023

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Whitehall - Tertiary Plant Opening

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Acquisition of The Urban Quarry

Winstone Aggregates announce a significant milestone in their journey towards a more sustainable construction industry.

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Drury South

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Porritt Stadium, Waikato

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2022 MIMICO Environmental Award Winner

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Environmental Product Declaration for Sand and Aggregates Products

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Our sponsorship of Coastguard Kaipara Inc.

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Maintaining the supply of aggregates in Canterbury

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A day in the life of a Senior Laboratory Technician

Mathew Iremonger is a Senior Laboratory Technician here at Winstone Aggregates, he shares with us how he first came into the role, what a day at work can look like, and what he has learnt throughout his time at Winstone...

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Then and now - People & Careers

We spoke to three members of our team who have been with us since graduating to find out how their careers at Winstone Aggregates have evolved and what advice they would give to other young adults wanting to get into the industry...

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Q&A's with the Women of Winstone

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Flat Top Quarry Open Day with Wainui School

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Otaki Walkways

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Ongoing Environmental Protection & Sustainability

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The Guardian Seeing Eye System

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Mack The Hopeful Black Dog

We love our trucks, our people, our community, sending messages for people to reach out …

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In The Community

Winstone Aggregates are proud sponsors of product from our Flat Top Quarry to help the Kaukapakapa community develop a playground completed in July 2020...

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Booming Belmont

Every day at 4am, the Winstone Aggregate’s Belmont quarry fires up, getting ready to supply the booming demand for aggregate in the Wellington Region, which reaches an average monthly production rate of 70,000 tonnes...

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Spotlight on Winstone’s Belmont Quarry

Over the last few years Winstone Aggregates Belmont quarry has been undergoing a transformation to enable it to better serve the greater Wellington region...

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Hunua Quarry Rocks All Year Round

Over the past few years Hunua Quarry has undergone an impressive transformation. The quarry – one of the busiest and largest in the country – opens at 5am, has up to 600 truck movements per day and extracts around 3 million tonnes of aggregate per year...

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Sale of the Manawatu Quarries

We wish to advise our customers that Winstone Aggregates have recently sold its Manawatu quarrying operation to Hirock Limited. Effective from the 1st August 2020 all purchases and business out of the Linton and Te Matai quarries will be directly with Hirock Limited...

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Winstone’s H & S Step-up Pays Dividends; Focus Around Fixed Plant

The country’s largest quarrying company initiated a health and safety “step-up” in October last year. Winstone Aggregates allocated an additional $1 million across its 17 quarries to address...

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The Impressive Symonds Development At Hunua Quarry

The Symonds pit at Hunua quarry south of Auckland is a worthy example of a large Greenfields’ quarry development that took place in a relatively short space of time...

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On 3 February, we had the privilege of welcoming Tori with a whakatau (small welcoming ceremony) at the Penrose office along with a morning tea...

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Stop For Safety – 29.01.20!

As you know here at Winstone Aggregates, safety always comes first. If you notice that we have a bit of a late start some days, it is because we care for our people and need them to attend a very important safety toolbox session to ensure everyone is on-board with our safety improvements...

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In The Community

Winstone Aggregates are proud contributors to the Cambridge Pump Track. The project was recently completed and will be officially opening on the 21st December.

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In The Community

Together with Firth and Golden Bay Cement, Winstone Aggregates are proud corporate sponsors of the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter/Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust.

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2013 Mimico environmental award winner

Winstone Quarry Manager Jason Hinton and his team at Rodney Aggregates Supplies, Whangaripo Quarry, north of Auckland recently scooped GOLD in the prestigious 2013 MIMICO Environmental Awards. The MIMICO awards recognise environmental work undertaken in our industry, and…

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